September 12, 2011

Function, Not Fashion

My husband has been persuading me to buy a new handphone. He said that a young professional like me needs a better phone than what I am currently using (of course, he put that annoying teasing tone when pronouncing both “young” and “professional” parts, well, never mind). And I just shrugged my shoulder as a response to it. I don’t know why I need a new phone while the phone in my hand is now working perfectly for texting, telephoning and a little bit of internet to check the e-mails. That’s a handphone is all about, isn’t it? 

He insisted on taking me to BEC (the biggest electronic centre in Bandung) and offering extra cash from his saving if the price of my future phone exceeds my budget. For information, the handphone I am currently using was a handphone my husband initially bought for himself about a year ago, but he gave it to me right after he opened the package, because he realized that I needed that phone more than he did. He is sweet. Most of the time, anyway. 

What he doesn’t know is that I am not interested in buying a new phone because I am in love with this device from Amazon: Kindle 3. All ebook lovers must have been familiar with this device. It’s not quite a fancy gadget like the infamous blackberry or ipad, but this humble black and white device that its function is purely for reading and buying ebooks online is so apt for me! 

I have been dreaming of having this gadget, but because in its early years of production the price was still high and Amazon didn’t sell kindle to Indonesia, particularly the early generations of it, I had to hold my breath. That’s a disadvantage of living in a country where reading is not considered as a general habit, or culture, if you like. Till recently I browsed through eBay and found that the price of this gadget has reduced dramatically and some sellers can ship it to Indonesia. Oh, I sooo deserve this gadget, don’t I? don’t I? 

But there came the second problem, I have no paypal account, therefore cannot do internet transaction, unless I ask help from my best friend D who has one. When I asked him whether I can use his paypal account to buy this gadget, he raised his eyebrows and said something along the lines of ”What? Are you gonna buy that reader gadget? It’s so old-fashioned. You can ruin my reputation on e-Bay if using my account to buy that stuff” (jokingly, of course) and start lecturing that I better buy a sophisticated iPad or other tablet. Oh my, being surrounded by these gadget lovers makes my life seem so miserable. 

But with patience and endurance only a sales person of Amazon could possibly posses, I explained that kindle is not comparable to ipad as they both carry different purposes. Kindle is a device specifically designed for reading. It’s light, and and it’s eye friendly because the screen uses e-ink instead of LCD. I know that when I use this device in front of others, chances are, they will think that I cannot afford an ipad hence buy a cheaper version of it (which is true, actually). But why the hell should I care what other people think about it? I don’t see the advantage of reading an e-book in angkot (public transport), for example, through a tablet that can be used to smack a copet (pickpocket) because of its weight. I buy stuffs because of their function, not just for fashion! Well, most of the time, anyway. 

And after he browsed through internet himself, he finally agreed that buying kindle 3 at this time seems to be a right choice as kindle is about to release the tablet version, most possibly with LCD screen, so the black and white e-ink screen could be the latest version around. In a year from now I probably have to find it in museum if I want to buy one. Ha..ha.. I am sure that’s not what Amazon intended to do with kindle. But the important thing is he agreed that I can use his paypal account, and offered to handle the transaction himself till the device safely comes to his house. All I have to do is pay, wait and pray :)

So now I am impatiently waiting for my kindle to arrive. I know I have to anticipate a line or two comments muttered by my husband that I could’ve bought a more "sophisticated" gadget with the same budget, and again, I have to demonstrate what the sales person of Amazon does. But the bottom line is, sweetheart, you know that I've always been more of a kindle type than a blackberry type of girl. If you know what I mean. :)


  1. I think it's a matter of choice.

    I also think that smart phone is for calling, sms, email, browsing, checking stocks.
    As long as it can function the way that I want it to be I don't need a new one. If I want more I'll use my notebook whose size, capacity and quality is 'bigger' than those Ipad or Galaxy Tab.

    I am using a BB release less than one year ago but now they have newer versions with better OS, camera etc. But for the time being I am very satisfied with what I have.

  2. Yes, as long as the gadget meets our need, why buy a new one for the sake of following the trend?

    And not only a gadget should meet our need, I think the gadget should also meet our personality, whether we’re sociable, fashionable, geeky, techie, or enjoying solitude (not all the time, though) like me :). In this iPad era, not only “you are what you eat” but “you are what gadget you use”

  3. Your catchy story ( almost) convinced me I also need an e-book. The point you made about smacking pickpockets is too good to ignore :).

    Yet the decision is hard. I love to see my books on the shelves. I love to hold a hardcover in my hands. I love the smell of it. I often love the sou8nd of turning pages.

    Well, after all, I'm not so sure I really need an Kindle.

  4. Don’t worry, you can do the smacking thing with a hard covered book too. :)

    I have to break my love relationship with the physical form of books because there’s not enough space in our house, especially with the kids growing and they need space for their own. They start to occupy my bookshelf now with Doraemon comic collection. I guess a mother’s got to do what a mother’s got to do, especially when it comes to preserving our interest :)

  5. I prefer function and fashion at the same time.
    salam kenal,

  6. I go for fashion too as long as it doesn’t exceed the function (teuteup!). But there is everything for everyone.

    Salam kenal juga. Thanks for dropping by.

  7. I like my kindle. The screen is very readable even in bright light. You can use it for perioicals, newspapers, and magazines. Its ideal for working offshore where you are limited for carry on weight. Best of all, the battery lasts for a month. Can't do that with a blackberry, or iphone, android, galaxy etc...

  8. My kindle arrived last week and I love it. Yes, battery life is the second on my consideration list, after the amazing e-ink screen. Amazon is about to release a tablet version with LCD in November, but I read that the battery can only last for seven hours (compare that to “our” kindles that can last for a month). Hey, I think I’ve made a right decision :)
